Monday, October 7, 2019

How has globalization affected employment and communities in Essay

How has globalization affected employment and communities in contemporary Britain Focus on the de-industrialised Greater Glasgow area as discussed in a recent report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Essay Example In the end, this affects the whole economy as communities feel the effects of uneven distribution of resources especially in regards to industrialisation. However, this is not only experienced in Greater Glasgow area but it is the same case in other places like the Heathrow village which is in west London. First, globalisation has a major impact on migration and labour markets. The migration details are differential in that different places experience different levels of migration. Some people migrate to get to a better place in terms of working places and wages. However, some people are on the receiving end as they are most likely to experience low wages to whichever place they are migrating to in search of a better working environment (Industrial Communities Alliance, 2009:24). Similarly, the labour markets are unevenly distributed. Whereas some labour markets are having an environment that is conducive to some people, other labour markets are offering adverse conditions. Similarly, some labour markets in the area are highly benefiting from globalisation as they are well established. Apparently, some people in this region are experiencing adverse market conditions. This is broadly experienced in the Greater Glasgow area where some individuals and groups are reaping the advantages of globalisation while others are not (MacKinnon, Cumbers, Featherstone, Ince and Strauss, 2011:2). In bizarre instances, some people in the same area are excluded from the labour markets instigated by globalisation. Therefore, some people are benefitting at the plight of others owing to the spread of globalisation. Inequalities in the Greater Glasgow area have threatened an increased effect from recession to some individuals and groups that reside here. It is considered that while globalisation is intensifying, the marginalised groups will experience harder financial situations. This is owing to the

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